Thursday, July 9, 2009

Road Trip to Oxford, Ohio: Part One

On Wednesday we decided to take a little jaunt up to Oxford, Ohio. We go up about 3-4 times a year to visit my old stomping grounds, Miami U. Go Redhawks!!! But for this trip we had a different adventure in store for us. Creeking at Pfeffer Park! Before I go any further, check out the muscles on this girl. Mercy!We had a lot of fun exploring. Some parts were deep enough for Anna to throw in her tube and relax. She was able to relax after we forced her to tolerate the four inch fish which swam within. Mercy.
She had a great time once she conquered her fear of what awaited her in the deep, deep water(about three and half feet!!!).

Most of our time at the park was spent looking for wildlife, fossils and enjoying the great outdoors. Next post - part two with all of our treasures.

1 comment:

  1. That's gross that you swam with fish. Love, Lily
